Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Biomechanical tattoo

One of my favourite tattoo styles is so called biomechanical tattoo school. This special tattoo style bases on inspiration of Alien movies series and the science fiction art. Imagine that you could get a tattoo that would make your arm look like a robot device. Imagine your leg would reveal alien tissue and strange organs underneath it. Imagine a tattoo that would make you look like some sort of post-apocalyptical creature.All of above can be achieved by a good biomechanical tattoo.
Such tattoos are not easy to make. They require top skills from the tattooist and thus many biomechanical tattoos are really poor. But if you will manage to find a top artist and connect it with inspirational biomechanical tattoo design, you will most likely get an amazing body modification that you will be proud of for years.
A lot of people that I know, claim that biomechanical tattoo art is not sexy. Well, to be honest I find this as one of the most sexy tattoo arts (as long as the tattoo is top quality). To prove what I mean, below I present the photo of the most sexy biomechanical tattoo I have ever seen. Judge for yourself!